ARC Technology, LLC is a product development engineering consulting firm located in Whitewater Kansas.

ARC Technology began in 2003 to research both ultrawideband and high power microwave directed energy weapons systems for several Department of Defense agencies.  This research developed a variety of high voltage, short pulse generators and antenna systems that operate in the range of several hundred thousand volts over a range of one to tens of nanoseconds.  ARC has also pursued spin-off research and commercial sales, including custom short pulse generators for other companies and one of a national laboratory.


The president, William Carey, received his B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1990 and 1993 while investigating the mechanisms limiting the achievable velocities of railguns (electrically fired guns) at the Applied Physical Electronics Research Center, which was co-located at the university.  He has received a National Small Business Administration Tibbetts Award for the state of Kanas due to his work in the SBIR program.

Contact us


Phone 1-316-799-2763 Ext. 10



13076 NW 120th

Whitewater, KS 67154


Contact us for more information on how we help you develop your product.